Although most people associate Osteopathic manipulation wit the treatment of back and neck pain, it was originally designed to treat many other conditions as well. Osteopathy is, in it’s truest sense, intended to bring patients closer to Health. This is achieved in a number of different ways, but in a general, it is accomplished by helping to create balance in the body…in the nervous and musculoskeletal systems, and in the fluids of the body.
When applied in this way, Osteopathy can be utilized to treat just about any condition, be it chronic ear infections in children, asthma, acute and chronic pain syndromes, hypertension. The list could go on and on.
Likewise, acupuncture can and is used to treat any number of health issues, from allergies to anxiety, as well as headaches and various pain conditions. If you have a question about whether or not your particular problem can be addressed with Osteopathy or acupuncture, please feel free to call and ask…I’d be happy to discuss it with you!