Acupuncture is a science and art of diagnosis and treatment that was first developed almost 3,000 years ago in China.
In it’s simplest form, Acupuncture is a way to help achieve balance and harmony in the body. This is achieved by allowing qi (pronounced “chi”) to flow freely along meridians, or pathways throughout the body. These pathways are both internal and external, and connect our various organ systems to one another, and to the whole.We access these meridians via specific points on the body’s surface, to affect the function of our internal systems.
There are 14 major meridians, and many other important channels in the body. By placing very fine, sterile needles in these specific points, we can allow the qi to flow better, and thus improve one’s overall health.
Acupuncture can and is used to treat any number of medical conditions. Acupuncture is beginning to be covered by many major health insurers. Please check with your member benefits to see if acupuncture is covered in your health insurance plan.